Our Jewels 


Ring in Zeolite with amethyst and tourmaline sterling silver    adjustable size.

fr 275

Ring in zeolite with opal , apatite and sterling silver 925%

Adjustable size

fr- 250

Ring in zeolite with tourmaline, apatite end sterling silver 925%

Adjustable size


Zeolite necklace with precious and semi-precious stones, emerald and ruby root, peridot, apatite , amethyst and granite. 

925% Sterling Silver

fr- 770

Zeolite necklace with turquoise and granite.

925% Sterling Silver


Zeolite Earrings with granite and Sterling Silver 925%

fr- 150



Ring in zeolite with apatite and  sterling silver 925%

 adjustable size


Ring in zeolite with amethyst, tourmaline , peridot.

Adjustable size

925% Sterling Silver 


Zeolite necklace with coral and chrysoberyl .

925% Sterling Silver 

fr- 389

Zeolite necklace with amethyst, joint and peridot .

925% Sterling Silver 

Fr- 450

Zeolite necklace with coral, amethyst and apatite .

fr- 300

Zeolite necklace with opal rose , peridot and apatite.

925% Sterlin Silver

fr- 395

Ring with zeolite , ebony and coral. 

fr- 250

Bracelet in zeolite , ebony, emerald and rubin .

925% Sterling silver 

fr- 450